its long since i last retail therapied. =X
life is still as hectic.
only occasional breaks durin the weekends
of which is spent doin tutuorials
n studyin fer the upcoming test the following wk.
jc sucks
i landed myself in sucha pathetic plight
the only short lil breaks
are watchin matches of A div
n it really serves as a good time to vent out all ya frustrations
stress and wateva tts hiding tin you.
went to catch ny bbgt against some vegetable jc.
the refree empire? was totallyy XXxxXXXxxXXX
all of us got so agitated,
no we shud
cox the match n teh vegetables were ?@@#$%%^?#/
no ny bbgt
shed no tears
cox yall good!!
well played.
you'll see them in finals again okay!
there were few real good players in the team
they really dooo stuns or wateva tt make u go 0.0
had subway b4 gg there
the subway at singpost
is wohoooo! marvellous!!!
the service is good with no attitude staffs
of which most have
but i still likeeeee. =)
my body is achin
no exactly is not tt kin of pain u experience when u haven been trg
but tt kind of pain due to tooooooooo strenous excercise.
obviously, trg ytd was ??@#$%#
its all bout running n sprintin. =X
he wants us to abolish our runs. =X
tts my interpretation luh.
anyway, fight on rangers fight on!
i've been emo-ing like 23/7
cox life is really throwing shit at me!