LOOK! this ish my TONG-MEI! haha. ya. i love her !we always gossip ogle at cute guys lookout fer candies
play touch rug take 22 home eat harlow panda play speak tactlessly(SHE!)
slack in lib annoy ppl n ya basically have lotsa fun!
lol. she is so so so so tactless de cann! watvea she says bound to anger sum1. haha.
but makes us laugh at her tactlessness. lol. i found her a eye candy ytd! hahah. yupps!! 22!!
we are in the lib now. jus slacked ard. nth to do. yupps. soon i'm gg yoga with her! yes i'm taking up yoga can jian fei noes. haha. lol. today's friday!! mummy gonna play mj . i'm gonna be so bored at hme in the nite. lol
yes this is the first entry fer may. the april entries are all very disconnected. cause ya . only tong mei noes. lol. okayy . didnt run 2.4 todayy lo. sian 3 rds den my whole abdomen ache like siao. really cant tahan. so i stop lo. yups. okayy. i'm gg hme soon! bb! miss me peeps!