okayy tins arent gg tt well this few days >,<
ytd was a real depressin n rushy day
rush from hme to sgh then to claim my pay lalala
okayy i woke up in the morning to know tt my mummy is hospitalised
so i've to go all the way down to sgh
to see her yupps along with my shoe bag n stuffs
okayy i dunno wats wrong with her
report yet to be out
hope she'll be fine soon
okayy when i was about to leave sgh for far east shopping centre to claim my pay
my uncle called my dad
guess wat? my grandpa is in the next blk.
gosh!!!! wats happening man??!!
anyway its so sad to see my grandpa lying so lonely on the bed when i just stepped into the room
oh man, its like wat can i do as a granddaughter.
i feel so bad laa coz its like i cant do anythin exp to talk to him keep him entertained
he actually intended not to inform my aunt n uncles
cox he tinks tt he shudnt bother them cox they shub be busy
oh man seriously i love my grandpa laa
so thoughtful of him even when he himself would suffer
okayy gosh. nah i feel so sad laa
n guilty fer not being able to do anythin fer him
afterall he's the one who brought me up
along wit my grandma =((
den i rmb the times i used to defy him
n actually shouted at him when i'm young.
tsk tsk.
anyway the hospital is a bad place
it makes u feel sad n scare
cox life is so vunerable
n yet how many of us noe how to cherish it.
and this are the many tins money cant buy
material wants are only temporary satisfaction
which will be gone as soon as u get wat u wan?
but still i like SHOPPING!!!! hahaha!! XD
okayy anyway i must say tt VIVO is big and cool
wah it has got all our favourite brands laa
topshop, forever21, espirit
gosh i rawks laa
but don get lost there!!!
gonna go down one day with C^2!!!! wohoo!!
okayy i'm gg chintaown with gracia jaz n tong
den to sgh to see mummy!!! n grandpapa!!! yups!!!
okayy hope to update soon !